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20,000+ organizations have automated over 140 million interactions with Formstack
See Their Stories >

Teams are more productive with Formstack

17 hours/week

Formstack saves teams an average of 17 hours per week, giving them more time to focus on impactful work.


90% of customers say Formstack
helps them get their job done.

G2 Leader

G2 named Formstack a 2023 leader in Online Forms, Document Generation, and eSignature collection.

Here’s what our customers have to say

When I found Formstack, it was pretty clear that it was a great fit. Looking at your Salesforce AppExchange product, it was clear you were pioneers in building a platform that could touch multiple Salesforce records without manual input.
Kyle Tuominen
Director at Coastal Cloud
The strength of Formstack’s suite is that you can either use it very simply by using predefined templates and basic features, or go deeper in the features to adapt to your specific requirements. It's also very easy to use with other tools.
Laure François
Junior Marketing Consultant at Elixir Solutions
We knew Formstack would be a good solution because it's so easy to use. It’s something our staff could build or change with limited knowledge of technology and minimal interaction with IT.
Kow Samman
Productivity Solutions Manager at Azusa Pacific University

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